Even Rouault via gdal-dev <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org> writes:

> The main trigger for it is the recent Poppler 25.02.00 release that
> breaks their C++ unstable API and require code changes on our side. So
> rather than letting each package maintainer cherry-picks the
> appropriate patch commit, let's issue a clean release.

Will this build against recent past as well as new poppler?  I couldn't
tell from NEWS.  In general some packaging systems are goign to update
to Poppler 25.02.00 and some won't have done so yet, especially because
poppler tends to break things in general.

I know I could read the code, but please consider this a NEWS micro-bug
report that a packager can't tell from reading, even though "gdal now
requires Poppler" is missing from NEWS and thus implies older
versions can still be used.

(gdal in pkgsrc doesn't build for pdf at all right now, which is on my
list to fix, but I suspect if there isn't detect-and-cope it will bite
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