On Tue, Feb 4, 2025, at 13:56, Even Rouault via gdal-dev wrote:
> A PR to add .zarr as an extension for the Zarr driver ? Is it recommended by
> the Zarr spec (can't find anything) or considered a best practice ? This
> wasn't my impression, although that would certainly be desirable.
Their quickstart <https://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html> uses
.zarr as the extension and the v3 spec
<https://zarr-specs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/v3/core/v3.0.html> says:
> When storing a Zarr hierarchy in a filesystem-like store (e.g. the local
> filesystem or S3) as a sub-directory, it is recommended that the
> sub-directory name ends with `.zarr` to indicate the start of a hierarchy to
> users.
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