Le 27/01/2025 à 17:04, Even Rouault via gdal-dev a écrit :
you need to do in 2 steps, with something like (didn't test, slight
modifications may be needed):
- slightly modify your first step, to reproject to an intermediate
RGBA dataset, with dstAlpha=yes. That temporary dataset may be a VRT,
or a GeoTIFF with a lossless compression (ie DEFLATE)
- convert from RGBA to RGB+mask with gdal.Translate(out,
tmp_dataset_of_previous_step, bandList=[1,2,3], maskBand=4,
if you want an external mask to be generated you also need to run the
gdal.Translate() step under
with gdal.config_option("GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK", "NO"):
Le 27/01/2025 à 16:58, Maxime Demers via gdal-dev a écrit :
Hi everybody, I hope you are all well!
I have an issue that I would need help about if possible.
I would like to use the GDAL Python bindings to reproject a TIFF that
has an external nodata mask stored in a separate |.msk| file. Also,
this is important to me to keep the jpeg compression.
After some tests, I found out that |gdal.Warp| does not reproject the
Is there a way to acheive what I am trying to do?
|import os from osgeo import gdal IN_RASTER = os.path.join(r"C:\\",
"data", "Ortho", "Ortho2024_32187_10cm_mask.tif") OUT_RASTER =
os.path.join(r"C:\\", "data", "Ortho",
"Ortho2024_3857_10cm_mask.tif") src = gdal.Open(IN_RASTER) dst =
gdal.Warp( OUT_RASTER, src, format="GTiff",
dstSRS="EPSG:3857", creationOptions=["COMPRESS=JPEG",
callback=gdal.TermProgress_nocb ) dst = None|
*Maxime Demers*
Analyste en géomatique
Service de la planification
et de la gestion du territoire
Tél. : 819 823-8000 poste 2360
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gdal-dev mailing list
My software is free, but my time generally not.
"De l'égo à l'égoût, il n'y a qu'une bouche mal refermée", André Isaac
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