> From: Ian Lance Taylor <i...@golang.org>
> Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 06:35:21 -0800
> Cc: g...@hazardy.de, gcc-patc...@gcc.gnu.org, gcc@gcc.gnu.org
> > > On Windows it seems that MAX_PATH is not
> > > a true limit, as an extended length path may be up to 32767 bytes.
> >
> > The limit of 32767 characters (not bytes, AFAIK) is only applicable
> > when using the Unicode (a.k.a. "wide") versions of the Windows Win32
> > APIs, see
> >
> >   
> > https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/maximum-file-path-limitation
> >
> > Since the above code uses GetModuleFileNameA, which is an "ANSI"
> > single-byte API, it is still subject to the MAX_PATH limitation, and
> > MAX_PATH is defined as 260 on Windows headers.
> Thanks.  Should this code be using GetModuleFileNameW?  Or would that
> mean that the later call to open will fail?

We'd need to use _wopen or somesuch, and the file name will have to be
a wchar_t array, not a char array, yes.  So this is not very practical
when file names need to be passed between functions, unless they are
converted to UTF-8 (and back again before using them in Windows APIs).

And note that even then, the 260-byte limit could be lifted only if
the user has a new enough Windows version _and_ has opted in to the
long-name feature by turning it on in the Registry.  Otherwise, file
names used in "wide" APIs can only break the 260-byte limit if they
use the special format "\\?\D:\foo\bar", which means file names
specified by user outside of the program or file names that come from
other programs will need to be reformatted to this special format.

> 260 bytes does not seem like very much for a path name these days.

That's true.  But complications with using longer file names are still
a PITA on Windows, even though they are a step closer to practically

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