On 11/10/22 01:06, Alejandro Colomar wrote:
Hi Martin,

On 9/3/22 17:31, Martin Uecker wrote:
My experience is that if one wants to see something fixed,
one has to push for it.  Standardization is meant
to standardize existing practice, so if we want to see
this improved, we can not wait for this.

I fully agree with you.  I've been ruminating these patches for some time, for having some more time to think about them.  Now, I like them enough to push. So, after a few minor cosmetic issues detected by some linters, I've pushed the changes to document all of man2 and man3 with hypothetical VLA syntax.

Now, I've released man-pages-6.01 very recently (just a few weeks ago), and I don't plan to release again in a year or two, so there's time to do the implementation in GCC.  From my side, please consider this an ACK or even somewhat of a push to get things done in the compiler side of things :)

I'll show here an excerpt of what kind of syntax has been pushed.  Of course, there's room for improving/fixing, since it's not seen an official release, but for now, this is what's up there:

        int strncmp(const char s1[.n], const char s2[.n], size_t n);

        long mbind(void addr[.len], unsigned long len, int mode,
                   const unsigned long nodemask[(.maxnode + ULONG_WIDTH ‐ 1)
                                                / ULONG_WIDTH],
                   unsigned long maxnode, unsigned int flags);

        int cacheflush(void addr[.nbytes], int nbytes, int cache);

I've shown the three kinds of prototypes that have been changed:

-  Normal VLA; nothing fancy except for the '.'.
-  Complex size expressions.
-  'void *' VLAs (assuming GNU conventions: sizeof(void *)==1).

Oops: sizeof(void)==1




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