On 16/08/2021 18:50, Jason Merrill wrote:
On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 9:51 AM Sebastian Huber
<sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de> wrote:
On 16/08/2021 14:33, Martin Liška wrote:
On 8/12/21 4:31 PM, Sebastian Huber wrote:
This would be suitable for me, however, I am not sure if you want such
a customization feature just for a niche operating system.
I don't see a reason why not.
Please send a patch.
Ok, good. I will try to figure out what can be done. One problem is that
tsystem.h is included before tm.h. Independent of this Joseph S. Myers
said in the recent patch review with respect to the gcov_type size that
removing tm.h from the target libraries is a development goal.
I guess we have a couple of options.
1. Detect the presence of __assert_func and add the result to tconfig.h.
This can't be a link time check, since libgcc is build before Newlib.
2. Use __builtin_trap() instead of abort() if inhibit_libc is defined.
I still think this seems the most straightforward approach.
I sent a patch for this:
embedded brains GmbH
Herr Sebastian HUBER
Dornierstr. 4
82178 Puchheim
email: sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 16
fax: +49-89-18 94 741 - 08
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Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer: Peter Rasmussen, Thomas Dörfler
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