Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the community call: at 10am utc+1. The
agenda so far is detailed within: https://hackmd.io/rBFlwl_9TkWLox-X6jyxDg

The call will be hosted on Jitsi, here is the link we will use:



On Mon, 31 May 2021 at 12:48, Philip Herron <philip.her...@embecosm.com>

> Hello,
> On the first Friday of every month, GCC Rust has a community call. The
> next one will be on the 4th of June 2021, at 10am utc+1 (I am based in
> Northern Ireland). We use our zulip server
> (https://gcc-rust.zulipchat.com/), which provides a jitsi integration to
> facilitate the video call. I want to invite people from the GCC
> community to join if they wish.
> These monthly calls have associated meeting notes for those who cannot
> attend. Here is an example from our last meeting:
> https://github.com/Rust-GCC/Reporting/blob/main/2021-05-07-community-call.md
> The agenda for this next call is currently being set up in a
> collaborative document here: https://hackmd.io/rBFlwl_9TkWLox-X6jyxDg
> Please find the monthly report for May 2021 for more information:
> https://github.com/Rust-GCC/Reporting/blob/main/2021-05-monthly-report.org
> Thanks
> --Phil

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