On 22/01/2021 10:46, Sebastian Huber wrote:
for RTEMS we have in gcc/config/rtems.h the following LIB_SPEC:
#undef LIB_SPEC
#define LIB_SPEC "%{!qrtems:" STD_LIB_SPEC "} " \
"%{qrtems:%{!nostdlib:%{!nodefaultlibs:" \
"--start-group -lrtemsbsp -lrtemscpu -latomic -lc -lgcc --end-group} " \
"%{!qnolinkcmds:-T linkcmds%s}}}"
The intention was that a GCC command line to link an executable with
-qrtems -nodefaultlibs
still uses "-T linkcmds", however, this didn't work. I think this is
due to
%G %{!nolibc:%L %G}
... %{!nostdlib:%{!r:%{!nodefaultlibs:%(link_ssp)
%(link_gcc_c_sequence)}}} ...
%(post_link) }}}}}}
So, if nodefaultlib is present, the LIB_SPEC is not evaluated at all?
The problem is that LINK_SPEC is specialized by target. For RTEMS, we
have to use the target definitions. In the default definition of
LINK_COMMAND_SPEC (gcc/gcc.c) there is no define for operating system
customization. Would it be possible to add something this?
I think the STARTFILES_SPEC can be used as a workaround:
This avoids modifications in "gcc/gcc.c".
embedded brains GmbH
Herr Sebastian HUBER
Dornierstr. 4
82178 Puchheim
email: sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
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