在 2020/8/11 下午9:55, Nathan Sidwell 写道:
> I agree, it's the way I use auto.  I particularly like the
>    auto *foo = expr;
> idiom, when you're getting a pointer, but the type of the pointee is clear.  
> It informs how you use 'foo'.

Personally I dislike this syntax. Pointers are objects, and `auto foo = expr;` 
should suffice. What if the type of `expr` is
`unique_ptr<T>` or `optional<T>`? The ptr-operator just can't exist there. So 
why the differentiation?

`auto& foo = ...` and `const auto& foo = ...` are necessary to indicate that 
the entity being declared is a reference (and
is not an object), while `auto*` doesn't make much sense, as I discourage plain 
pointers in my projects.

Best regards,

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