On Thu, 2020-04-23 at 15:14 -0600, Tom Tromey wrote: > > > > > > "Segher" == Segher Boessenkool <seg...@kernel.crashing.org> writes: > > Segher> My point was that this should *never* be part of patches, already. > > FWIW, I use a few scripts so that I can keep ChangeLogs as files. > That's what I do when working on gdb. > > https://github.com/tromey/git-gnu-changelog > > This is easier on the whole, IME, because it means there is no extra > manual step before pushing. Right. And that's really my goal here -- eliminate the manual steps. Ideally I want to be able to git am; git push on a good patch. Manual steps for good patches need to be excised from the workflow. The ChangeLog file is a major problem in that regard.
> > Of course, better would be to remove ChangeLogs entirely (including not > putting anything like them into a commit message), because they are > largely not useful and are just make-work. Again IMNSHO -- I know there > are some folks who read them, but I basically never have since switching > to git. I read them less and less. At this point I think I read them to see if a particular patch in my queue has already been applied. Otherwise I'm using the git info. jeff