> From: David Malcolm <dmalc...@redhat.com>
> Thanks Modi.
> Before looking at the updated patch in detail, we ought to also address the
> legal prerequisites for contributing.
> Does your employer have legal paperwork in place with the FSF for such
> contributions?  See:
> https://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html#legal
> I'm not sure what the threshold is for a contribution to be regarded as
> "significant", but it seems that we ought to be fastidious here, given 
> historical
> attitudes between Microsoft and the FLOSS community.
> (I'm not speaking on behalf of anyone other than myself here, as a GCC
> maintainer, and I don't mean for this to come across as personal)
> Thanks
> Dave

Guidance from my side is to get an individual's license to proceed. Can you 
send me over the forms to get that done?


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