> We could, it just feels like "branch names [in refs/heads/] must match one 
> of these naming conventions" is something fairly generic rather than 
> extremely GCC-specific.

I understand.

My fear is that we're discussing a lot of new configurations knobs.
And from experience, they can start interacting between them, and
getting every one of them to behave the way people expect them
in all possible situations can quickly become a challenge.

I was concerned specifically with the interaction with the naming
scheme chosen for vendor and user branches, but I think we can make
it work:

   One config to list the naming scheme for branches
   One config to list the naming scheme for tags

I just want to be careful to also consider how all the options
are interacting with each other. In this case, we were able to
combine two requirements into one, so that addresses my concern.


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