On Wed, 11 Dec 2019, Joseph Myers wrote: > Concretely: when I did a comparison of the tip of trunk against master > from a reposurgeon conversion on 29 November, there were 1421 differences > (files or directories only present in one of SVN or git or with different > contents). As of today with the SVN dump reader rewrite, this is down to > just two differences (plus two empty directories present in SVN as git > doesn't represent empty directories), and we understand exactly where the > problem arises with a trunk deletion and recreation and what's odd about > that particular trunk deletion and recreation.
Update: having done comparisons for every branch tip and tag, and investigated all the problems found and collectively fixed the bugs in question based on reduced testcases from that investigation, I believe all such problems causing comparison failures have now been fixed (and all problems causing tags or branches to be missing); I'm running a fresh conversion and comparisons to confirm. If those comparisons are clean I may also compare the refs/deleted tags and branches to provide additional points at which the tree contents are verified correct. Note: these comparisons are after deleting empty directories from the SVN checkout, because git doesn't represent empty directories. There are also two branches (c++-modules and melt-branch) where some files have SVN keyword expansion enabled, and the files with keyword expansion enabled need excluding manually from the comparison process. -- Joseph S. Myers jos...@codesourcery.com