On Fri, 5 Apr 2019 at 04:50, Supriya Palli wrote:
> My name is Supriya Palli and I am a first-year Computer Science B.S.
> student at Florida State University. I currently finishing up a C++ course
> in Object Oriented Programming and am looking for ways to continue my
> learning in C++ and other technologies over the summer. I noticed that some
> of the projects you have listed for Google Summer of Code include C++ as a
> skill, but I am not sure I would meet the other skill requirements. Are
> there any specific projects you would recommend for beginners? Or any
> projects I could contribute to outside of the Google Summer of Code program?


The https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/LibstdcxxTodo page shows lots of missing
features/fixes in the C++ standard library, libstdc++. Some of those
are small, some are much larger. If you want to contribute to GCC I'm
sure you could find something there to work on. The libstdc++ library
has its own mailing list at libstd...@gcc.gnu.org

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