On 27/02/18 13:53, Yao Qi wrote:
> Hi Paulo,
> I noticed that GDB buildbot pending build queue on aarch64-linux
> becomes longer and longer,
> https://gdb-build.sergiodj.net/builders/Ubuntu-AArch64-m64
> as it takes longer to finish each build and test.
> Looks that you deployed aarch64-linux buildslave for GCC buildbot
> on gcc114 as well, that is reason that GDB build and test is slowed
> down (GCC build and test is slowed down too).
> We'd better avoid using the same machine for two buildbots.  Are there
> any easy way to move one buildslave to a different machine like gcc115
> or gcc116.  As far as I know, they are identical.

Apologies for the clash on resources. Using gcc115 and gcc116 only now.

Kind regards,

Paulo Matos

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