Hello, Please consider supporting the Coroutines TS in GNU C++.
It is really important to make asynchronous programming usable. Modern programs should be scalable to use the performance of multicore processors. Stackless coroutines allow the programmer to scale to millions of asynchronous requests. But without the primitives in the Concurrency TS, chaining the result of an asynchronous computation to the next step, one must program a chain of callbacks. It becomes quickly unusable. The promise/future, as specified in the concurrency TS, (that is, with the function future::then for chaining a callback to the completion of the future) make asynchronous programming somewhat more usable. Unfortunately, almost no C++ library shipped supports future with then. This is an excellent explanation of the Coroutines TS: https://www.slideshare.net/SergeyPlatonov/gor-nishanov-c-coroutines-a-negative-overhead-abstraction Both Visual C++ 2017 and CLANG (SVN version) support the Coroutines TS. Please consider it. I saw that someone started an attempt at implementing it: https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2016-03/msg00435.html but there were no replies.