Community, [and BCC'ed mentors] Google Summer of Code is panning out nicely for GCC.
We have received 5 slots for GSoC projects this year. The plan is to accept 5 top-rated student proposals. If you haven't rated the projects yet, you have 2 days to go to GSoC website [1] and rate the proposals. I will mark the top-5 proposals "Accepted" this Friday/Saturday. We already have mentors volunteered for the 5 currently leading projects, which is great. We also need a couple of backup mentors in case one of the primary mentors becomes temporarily unavailable. Your main job as backup mentor will be to follow 2-5 of the student projects and be ready to step in, should a need arise. Any volunteers for the roles of backup mentors? I will send the next GSoC update early next week [when student projects are accepted]. Thank you, [1] -- Maxim Kuvyrkov