On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:15 AM, Umesh Kalappa <umesh.kalap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Was enabled the switch  "-fleading-underscore"  to emit the global
> symbol name with prefix _ .

>         ld      HL, (a)
>         ld      DE, (b)
>         add     DE, HL
>         ld      (c), DE
>         cal     _tes
>         ld      DE, (c)
>         ld      WA, DE
>         ret
> if you see the asm ,the global symbol names was prefixed with _ in the
> definition ,But not in the uses.
> I'm sure we are missing something here w.r.t -fleading-underscore flag
> and gcc source is 4.8.1.

You didn't mention which target you are using, and I don't recognize
it.  If this is a private target, your backend files are missing some
uses of %U (%U is a directive for asm_fprintf).


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