On Wed, 2014-02-19 at 20:01 -0800, Paul E. McKenney wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 04:53:49PM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Torvald Riegel <trie...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > > On Tue, 2014-02-18 at 09:44 -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Can you point to it? Because I can find a draft standard, and it sure
> > >> as hell does *not* contain any clarity of the model. It has a *lot* of
> > >> verbiage, but it's pretty much impossible to actually understand, even
> > >> for somebody who really understands memory ordering.
> > >
> > > http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mjb220/n3132.pdf
> > > This has an explanation of the model up front, and then the detailed
> > > formulae in Section 6.  This is from 2010, and there might have been
> > > smaller changes since then, but I'm not aware of any bigger ones.
> > 
> > Ahh, this is different from what others pointed at. Same people,
> > similar name, but not the same paper.
> > 
> > I will read this version too, but from reading the other one and the
> > standard in parallel and trying to make sense of it, it seems that I
> > may have originally misunderstood part of the whole control dependency
> > chain.
> > 
> > The fact that the left side of "? :", "&&" and "||" breaks data
> > dependencies made me originally think that the standard tried very
> > hard to break any control dependencies. Which I felt was insane, when
> > then some of the examples literally were about the testing of the
> > value of an atomic read. The data dependency matters quite a bit. The
> > fact that the other "Mathematical" paper then very much talked about
> > consume only in the sense of following a pointer made me think so even
> > more.
> > 
> > But reading it some more, I now think that the whole "data dependency"
> > logic (which is where the special left-hand side rule of the ternary
> > and logical operators come in) are basically an exception to the rule
> > that sequence points end up being also meaningful for ordering (ok, so
> > C11 seems to have renamed "sequence points" to "sequenced before").
> > 
> > So while an expression like
> > 
> >     atomic_read(p, consume) ? a : b;
> > 
> > doesn't have a data dependency from the atomic read that forces
> > serialization, writing
> > 
> >    if (atomic_read(p, consume))
> >       a;
> >    else
> >       b;
> > 
> > the standard *does* imply that the atomic read is "happens-before" wrt
> > "a", and I'm hoping that there is no question that the control
> > dependency still acts as an ordering point.
> The control dependency should order subsequent stores, at least assuming
> that "a" and "b" don't start off with identical stores that the compiler
> could pull out of the "if" and merge.  The same might also be true for ?:
> for all I know.  (But see below)

I don't think this is quite true.  I agree that a conditional store will
not be executed speculatively (note that if it would happen in both the
then and the else branch, it's not conditional); so, the store in
"a;" (assuming it would be a store) won't happen unless the thread can
really observe a true value for p.  However, this is *this thread's*
view of the world, but not guaranteed to constrain how any other thread
sees the state.  mo_consume does not contribute to
inter-thread-happens-before in the same way that mo_acquire does (which
*does* put a constraint on i-t-h-b, and thus enforces a global
constraint that all threads have to respect).

Is it clear which distinction I'm trying to show here?

> That said, in this case, you could substitute relaxed for consume and get
> the same effect.  The return value from atomic_read() gets absorbed into
> the "if" condition, so there is no dependency-ordered-before relationship,
> so nothing for consume to do.
> One caution...  The happens-before relationship requires you to trace a
> full path between the two operations of interest.  This is illustrated
> by the following example, with both x and y initially zero:
> T1:   atomic_store_explicit(&x, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
>       r1 = atomic_load_explicit(&y, memory_order_relaxed);
> T2:   atomic_store_explicit(&y, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
>       r2 = atomic_load_explicit(&x, memory_order_relaxed);
> There is a happens-before relationship between T1's load and store,
> and another happens-before relationship between T2's load and store,
> but there is no happens-before relationship from T1 to T2, and none
> in the other direction, either.  And you don't get to assume any
> ordering based on reasoning about these two disjoint happens-before
> relationships.
> So it is quite possible for r1==1&&r2==1 after both threads complete.
> Which should be no surprise: This misordering can happen even on x86,
> which would need a full smp_mb() to prevent it.
> > THAT was one of my big confusions, the discussion about control
> > dependencies and the fact that the logical ops broke the data
> > dependency made me believe that the standard tried to actively avoid
> > the whole issue with "control dependencies can break ordering
> > dependencies on some CPU's due to branch prediction and memory
> > re-ordering by the CPU".
> > 
> > But after all the reading, I'm starting to think that that was never
> > actually the implication at all, and the "logical ops breaks the data
> > dependency rule" is simply an exception to the sequence point rule.
> > All other sequence points still do exist, and do imply an ordering
> > that matters for "consume"
> > 
> > Am I now reading it right?
> As long as there is an unbroken chain of -data- dependencies from the
> consume to the later access in question, and as long as that chain
> doesn't go through the excluded operations, yes.
> > So the clarification is basically to the statement that the "if
> > (consume(p)) a" version *would* have an ordering guarantee between the
> > read of "p" and "a", but the "consume(p) ? a : b" would *not* have
> > such an ordering guarantee. Yes?
> Neither has a data-dependency guarantee, because there is no data
> dependency from the load to either "a" or "b".  After all, the value
> loaded got absorbed into the "if" condition.


> However, according to
> discussions earlier in this thread, the "if" variant would have a
> control-dependency ordering guarantee for any stores in "a" and "b"
> (but not loads!).  The ?: form might also have a control-dependency
> guarantee for any stores in "a" and "b" (again, not loads).

Don't quite agree; see above for my opinion on this.

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