On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Torvald Riegel <trie...@redhat.com> wrote: > > There's an underlying problem here that's independent from the actual > instance that you're worried about here: "no sense" is a ultimately a > matter of taste/objectives/priorities as long as the respective > specification is logically consistent.
Yes. But I don't think it's "independent". Exactly *because* some people will read standards without applying "does the resulting code generation actually make sense for the programmer that wrote the code", the standard has to be pretty clear. The standard often *isn't* pretty clear. It wasn't clear enough when it came to "volatile", and yet that was a *much* simpler concept than atomic accesses and memory ordering. And most of the time it's not a big deal. But because the C standard generally tries to be very portable, and cover different machines, there tends to be a mindset that anything inherently unportable is "undefined" or "implementation defined", and then the compiler writer is basically given free reign to do anything they want (with "implementation defined" at least requiring that it is reliably the same thing). And when it comes to memory ordering, *everything* is basically non-portable, because different CPU's very much have different rules. I worry that that means that the standard then takes the stance that "well, compiler re-ordering is no worse than CPU re-ordering, so we let the compiler do anything". And then we have to either add "volatile" to make sure the compiler doesn't do that, or use an overly strict memory model at the compiler level that makes it all pointless. So I really really hope that the standard doesn't give compiler writers free hands to do anything that they can prove is "equivalent" in the virtual C machine model. That's not how you get reliable results. Linus