On 5 February 2014 14:25, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:
> Hi -
>> I'm trying to create a new account for the GCC wiki using the
>> account creation page at:
>>   http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/HomePage?action=newaccount
>> but things are not going well.
>> I fill in the form and click create account. After thinking for a
>> while the page returns a Gateway Error. [...]
> This mirrors the symptoms of other sourceware-hosted moinmoin wikis
> that had been overrun with spam users.  We cleaned a bunch of them off
> of glibc the other day, basically removing all but the
> trusted-editors, and things are much faster.  (Legitimate non-editor
> users can create new users, or email to restore their purged info.)
> Are y'all interested in the same treatment for the gcc wiki?

Someone (I think it was you :-)  already locked it down some time ago
to combat a spam attack.

These are the trusted editors:

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