Hi all, We are re-targeting the gcc 4.8.1 to the 16 bit core ,where word =int = short = pointer= 16 , char = 8 bit and long =32 bit.
We model the above requirement as #define BITS_PER_UNIT 8 #define BITS_PER_WORD 16 #define UNITS_PER_WORD 2 #define POINTER_SIZE 16 #define SHORT_TYPE_SIZE 16 #define INT_TYPE_SIZE 16 #define LONG_TYPE_SIZE 32 #define FLOAT_TYPE_SIZE 16 #define DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE 32 Tried to compile the below sample by retargeted compiler int a =10; int b =10; int func() { return a+ b; } the compiler is stating that the a and b are global with short type(HI mode) of size 2 bytes. where as we need the word mode as SI not HI ,I do understand that the SI and HI modes are of same size but till I insist better to have SI mode. Please somebody or expert in the group share their thought on the same like how do we can achieve this ? Thanks ~Umesh