On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Richard Sandiford
<rdsandif...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> FWIW, here are some numbers comparing the times various
> --enable-checking=release versions of cc1plus take to compile
> a set of .ii inputs at -O2.  The versions are:
> (a) wide-int r205263, where the last merge was made
> (b) current wide-int with the patches I've posted applied on top
> (c) trunk r205261, the last wide-int merge point
> The .ii files were from the (c) version of fold-const.c, cp/parser.c
> and insn-recog.c.  The times are means from 7 runs with the standard
> deviation in brackets.  (The results seem too noisy to just quote
> the minimum.)
>      fold-const.c      cp/parser.c        insn-recog.c
> (a)  5.9204 (0.04578)  4.8329 (0.05010)   28.0811 (0.29829)
> (b)  5.8783 (0.02788)  4.7865 (0.02841)   25.7909 (0.31766)
> (c)  5.8507 (0.03329)  4.7756 (0.03786)   25.8563 (0.30302)
> So (b) seems measurably faster than (a), but the differences between
> (b) and (c) are within 0.5% at face value and might just be noise.

Nice work!


> I can do another run once Kenny's finished the patches to shrink the
> size of widest_int.
> Thanks,
> Richard

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