(Dominique Dhumieres) writes:
> PS -Wall is a simple enough option to be remembered by all users who
> need it

As is -Wno-all, of course.

> (if they don't use it, they don't want it).

That isn't necessarily the case.

In my experience, there seem to be a lot of developers who simply
don't think much about the issue to the point of adding warning
options, but who are not really averse to _heeding_ warnings that the
compiler emits by default.

It's kind of hard to say where the right balance lies given gcc's
disparate user community, but ... one way to find out is try... :]

For instance, how about adding -Wall to the default options now, and
then re-evaluate the issue based on any complaints that come in from
people using snapshots?  That's hardly a perfect method, as the sort
of people who run compiler snapshots are maybe not entirely
representative, but at least it's better data than one gets by simply
sitting around and pontificating...


Ocean, n. A body of water covering seven-tenths of a world designed for Man -
who has no gills.

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