stuart <> writes:

> I am not sure this is the right place to ask this

It's not.  The right place is  Please take any
followups there.  Thanks.

> I can not seem to get gcc 4.7.0 to compile; it will not complete the
> configuration stage complaining about missing packages (GMP, MPFR and
> MPC). I have tried to cross compile these packages for the Atmel AVR
> Mega series but the only one that seems to complete is the GMP
> package. The cross compile did produce a lib file (and install it and
> the gpm.h file in the correct place) but nothing else would accept that
> GMP was present on the system.

You need to have GMP, MPFR, and MPC for the host.  You do not need to
cross-compile them for AVR.


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