On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 20:30, mathog <mat...@caltech.edu> wrote: > Since b-- is equivalent to [assigning] !b, > and b++ is equivalent to [assigning] 1, if > that action is intended, there is no reason > to use either the increment or decrement > operators on a bool.
However, it seems to me that toggling the value with the idiom: --b; is aesthetically preferable to the more elaborate: b = !b; In fact, I've seen at least one person make this complaint in freenode's ##c++ IRC channel. Given the potential usefulness of `--b' and the relative uselessness of `++b', it would seem more practical for the C++ standard to have deprecated (if not allowed) `--b' and instead forbidden `++b' (rather than the other way around).