On 10 July 2011 22:42, ismail kuru <aptal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am one of GSOC students. We have started the project with doing some
> experiments for checking the compatibility of
> OpenMP threads with [trans-mem] branch of GCC.
>  We made a presentation
> (http://www.gsd.inesc-id.pt/~mcouceiro/eurotm/1stmeeting/16-IsmailKuru.pdf)
> at EuroTM meeting at Paris
> (http://www.eurotm.org/1st-plenary-meeting-in-paris/program). It was very
> useful for project's future perspective.
> However, I got accepted as a PhD and I have lots of urgent organizational
> and administrative  issues to complete before the mid of August so  I have
> no chance to go on with project until mid of August.
> But I am optimistic for the project even if I do not have a overlapping
> time-schedule with GSOC.

Yeah my last years Gsoc time management i found hard mostly because i
had a really bad sleeping pattern and i would grind out and work way
too much for like 2 weeks then spend 2 days sleeping and then same
thing again.

It was kind of stupid but this year i treat it like 9-5 but i can seem
myself working on a lot more once i get to parts when its mostly a
grind at the moment i am filling in and fixing lots of awkward pieces
which takes time.

But Gsoc is very flexible so i wouldn't worry about having to do
things in RL if you feel your are on track in your own time frame then
your ok.


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