
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Ian Lance Taylor <i...@google.com> wrote:
> Perry Smith <pedz...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Is there a way to have gcc produce some type of intermediate file that
>> could be used to generate a cscope like database.  (Perhaps a better
>> way to phrase the question is 'which intermediate file, if any, could
>> be used') I have a few issues with cscope that I keep hoping to solve
>> somehow someday.  Here is a short list of them:
> If you mean: is there an option to do that today, then, no, there
> isn't.  If you mean: could it be done in some way, then, yes.  This
> sounds like a natural application for a compiler plugin.
Speaking about plugins, last time (a few month ago) I played with
them, I had to move the PLUGIN_FINISH_TYPE invocation location to be
able to handle other type that struct or unions. That said, there is
certainly something I did wrong to catch enum declaration or other
type. Why has it not been place in a more central place, like
declspecs_add_type() ?

 - Arnaud

> Ian

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