My software implementation of SSE2 now passes all the testsuite programs. In case anybody else ever needs this, it is here: I compiled that with a target program and gprof showed all the time in resulting binary in the inlined functions. It ran about 4X slower than the SSE2 hardware version, which is about what I expected. So, so far so good. What I am worried about now is that since it was invoked with "-msse2" the compiler may still be generating SSE2 calls within the inlined functions. Is there a way to definitively disable this but still retain -msse2 on the command line? For instance, here is one of the software version inline functions: /* vector subtract the two doubles in an __m128d */ static __inline __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__)) _mm_sub_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B) { return (__m128d)((__v2df)__A - (__v2df)__B); } In the original gcc emmintrin.h that called a builtin _explicitly_. I also want to avoid having the compiler use the same builtin _implicitly_. If it uses SSE, 3DNOW or MMX implicitly, in this example, that would be fine, it just cannot use any SSE2 hardware. Actually, one thing I was never very clear on, do -msse2 -m3dnow etc. only provide access to the corresponding machine operations through the _mm* (or whatever) definitions in the header file, or does the compiler also figure out vector operations by itself during the optimization phase of compilation? Thank you, David Mathog Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech