
GCC trunk will be in stage1 for roughly another four weeks.  This
felt like a good time to go over the existing list of regression
and start to prioritize them according to our release criteria.

This means that regressions on non-primary, non-secondary targets
or for languages other than C or C++ get demoted to P4 or P5.  It
also means that most (if not all) regressions that are remaining
and new on the trunk are now P1 while those that also appeared
with GCC 4.5.1 are P2.

I left a bunch of bugs at P3 because their state is unclear to me,
or they are still unconfirmed.

Please help the bug review process by

 1) Not re-opening old bugs because something related now happens.
    Only re-open bugs if the _original_ problem re-appears.
 2) Do Janitor work if you touch a bug (fill out the target and
    known-to-work, known-to-fail fields and add keywords as
 3) Confirm a bug if you can reproduce it (and say so, eventually
    providing additional target information).

If you are maintaining a target that is neither primary nor secondary
please check its status.  If you are maintaining a target that is
either primary or secondary please monitor regressions associated
to it (you should already check its status regularly during stage1).

The number of bugs does not look unreasonable to me given that
we are in stage1.

Quality Data

Priority          #
--------        ---
P1               46
P2              107
P3               23
--------        ---
Total           176

The next status report will be sent by Jakub in about two weeks.

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