Hello Leif, * Leif Ekblad wrote on Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 12:56:21PM CEST: > The primary issue I had was that some basic configuration was > never updated to GCC (libtool). Because this was the place where the > targets and stuff was defined, it was not even possible to submit specific > patches in the first place, because they would fail without this refresh.
Wait, Libtool has a patch from you from 2006-01-12 in its tree, <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.libtool.patches/6680> Is that the one you're talking about? Was it that GCC took long to merge the Libtool changes? Did you ever ping that? Nowadays the Libtool sources in GCC track upstream more closely than they used to do, and updating them should be fairly straightforward. Thanks, Ralf