On 15/03/2010 22:03, Sean D'Epagnier wrote:

> -  { "_Fract",           RID_FRACT,     D_CONLY | D_EXT },
> -  { "_Accum",           RID_ACCUM,     D_CONLY | D_EXT },
> -  { "_Sat",             RID_SAT,       D_CONLY | D_EXT },
> +  { "_Fract",           RID_FRACT,     D_EXT },
> +  { "_Accum",           RID_ACCUM,     D_EXT },
> +  { "_Sat",             RID_SAT,       D_EXT },

> Now the error is:
> test.cpp:5:4: error: expected primary-expression before ‘_Accum’
> Does anyone have clues as to the problem?  

  The problem is that it won't be as simple as that.  You'll have to extend
the C++ parser to accept those new RID_ values that it was previously never
expecting to see in those contexts, I would think (but haven't verified
against the source yet).  The C++ parser is a hand-coded recursive-descent
parser, so I wouldn't expect it to be generically able to deal with
previously-unknown token types suddenly appearing in its input stream at
arbitrary points.


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