HEllo All

I might have perhaps (this is a possibility, not certain) in june 2010 a 
student as an intern "stagiaire universitaire" (in French legalese), in 
"3eme annee de licence informatique" (that is, 3rd year of university, after 
he is 21 year old and student at http://www.univ-mlv.fr/

I hope he will be able to contribute to GCC MELT branch, and perhaps even a 
little bit to GCC trunk.

My own contributions are covered by a copyright assignement RT306238 
http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2006-12/msg00008.html from my employer, 
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA, LIST) http://www.cea.fr/ & 
(CEA is a French state-owned research entity of about 15000 people, 
approximately the French version of the DOE in the USA)
Getting this paper signed was very painful to me.

Could some people understanding the process of getting an SSH commiting account 
to GCC explain me how could he eventually get such an account.
Please understand that I am not a lawyer at all, and that both he and me (and 
CEA my employer) are under French laws.

My intern will hopefully be "stagiaire" at my organisation CEA - according to 
my understandding, this is called "internship" in the USA. 
In France, it means that he is very little paid (much less than the minimal 
work wage) and that for many but not all purposes 
he is considered as a temporary employee of CEA.

In my understanding, as a CEA worker, the intern does not need any additional 
paper from CEA, 
since the RT306238 assignement of copyright in the GCC covers any contribution 
from any CEA employer.

But it seems that an intern should also get a signed paper from his university 
(to get a write commit to the GCC MELT branch). 
Notice that French university are not like US ones,  in the sense that French 
students do not *buy* their education! I don't know the legal status
of student produced work in France.

Is my understanding correct?

In other words, what are the exact steps to get a write-commit account (to GCC 
MELT) for a student, intern, in France?


PS. It may happen that the internship won't happen (for various reasons). I 
just want to settle such issues quickly as possible. 
I don't have the energy & incentive to get another assigment of copyright from 
CEA for him.

Basile STARYNKEVITCH         http://starynkevitch.net/Basile/
email: basile<at>starynkevitch<dot>net mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mines, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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