On Dec 15, 2009, at 12:28 AM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:

> On 12/14/2009 09:31 PM, John Regehr wrote:
>> Ok, thanks for the feedback Andi.  Incidentally, the LLVM folks seem to
>> agree with both of your suggestions. I'll re-run everything w/o frame
>> pointers and ignoring testcases where some compiler warns about use of
>> uninitialized local. I hate the way these warnings are not totally
>> reliable, but realistically if GCC catches most cases (which it almost
>> certainly will) the ones that slip past won't be too much of a problem.
> I also wonder if you have something like LTO enabled.

No, he doesn't enable LLVM LTO.  Even if it did, LTO wouldn't touch the 
'CC1000SendReceiveP*' definitions because they are not static (unless he 
explicitly built with an export map).

I haven't analyzed what is going on in this example though.  The code is 
probably using some undefined behavior and getting zapped.


>  This function produces completely bogus code in LLVM, presumably because 
> some kind of LTO proves that CC1000SendReceiveP is never written.  Of course, 
> this assumption would be wrong at runtime in a real program.
> http://embed.cs.utah.edu/embarrassing/src_harvested_dec_09/015306.c
> Of course the answer is not to disable LTO, but rather to add an 
> "initializer" function that does
> volatile void *p;
> memcpy (CC1000SendReceiveP__f, p, sizeof (CC1000SendReceiveP__f));
> memcpy (CC1000SendReceiveP__count, p, sizeof (CC1000SendReceiveP__count));
> memcpy (CC1000SendReceiveP__rxBuf, p, sizeof (CC1000SendReceiveP__rxBuf));
> ... and to make all variables non-static (otherwise the initializer would 
> have to be in the same file, but that would perturb your results).
> I also agree with others that the frame pointer default is special enough to 
> warrant adding a special -f option to compilers that generate it, if some 
> other compilers do not generate it.
> Paolo

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