> How does this work?  ASM_FORMAT_PRIVATE_NAME is not supposed
> to completely ignore the NAME argument, the function may well
> be called with the same LABELNO but different NAME strings,
> and this must not result in conflicting symbols ...

I have compiled the entire GCC and not come up with any duplicate
static function names, so I think the number is always unique.

Hmm, I see that in the 3.2.x code base this is indeed true.
However, in later compilers ASM_FORMAT_PRIVATE_NAME is used
for other purposes by the middle-end, not just static function
or variable names.  You definitely can get number collisions
in later compilers ...

Well I've compiled and linked all of 3.4.6 without getting name
clashes either.

> At this point, you may refer to "current_function_decl" to
> retrieve information about the function currently being output.
> In particular, you can retrieve the original source-level name
> associated with the routine via DECL_NAME (current_function_decl).

Thanks a lot!  I couldn't use that directly, but this:

Why not?

It was missing the IDENTIFIER_POINTER so getting a compile

 printf ("%s", IDENTIFIER_POINTER (DECL_NAME (current_function_decl)));

should work fine ...

Yes, I've adopted that, thanks.

Anyway, I've finally packaged all those changes discussed on the
list, and also creditted you in the documentation for your assistance
in polishing the product off.  Details in announcement below.

BFN.  Paul.

Jujitsu are pleased to announce the release of the
following software:

GCC 3.2.3 MVS 7.5 - GCC C compiler for z/OS, MVS/380, MVS/370.
Delivered in xmit format.

GCC 3.2.3 CMS 7.5 - GCC C compiler for z/VM, VM/380, VM/370.
Delivered in vmarc format.

PDPCLIB 2.00 - C (C90-compliant) runtime library for MVS (all flavours), CMS (all flavours), Windows 32, MSDOS, OS/2, Linux (new with this release), PDOS. Provided in
source form only, but also delivered as part of GCCMVS

Hercules/380 3.06 v6.0 - Used to run MVS/380. It now does
S/380 even if you specify S/370, so that Hercgui will
work. Now has native support for ftp-rdw files (ie files
that have been transferred from z/OS using ftp with
the RDW option), so that you can quickly get your files
restored to a V dataset. Windows executables provided.
Unix users need to compile from source.

You can find the products at:



Initial documentation can be found in gccmvs.txt,
pdpclib.txt and README.S380 respectively.

Any comments/questions please post over at:


where our complaint department is in operation 24
hours a day, even during Ramadan - may Allah have
mercy on our souls.

BFN.  Paul.

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