On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Mark Mielke<m...@mark.mielke.cc> wrote: ... snipped ...
> to contribute to a project does not usually say "I refuse to participate in > your project because it has a BSD license." The GPL is evil and deserves to > be struck down. The GPL and LGPL achieve a delicate balance between the freedoms of the author and the freedoms of downstream users to use and modify the code for their own purposes. The key is in redistribution. With the GPL and LGPL you are obliged to contribute your changes back to the library/application which you modified. Normal practice with these licenses is to use LGPL for libraries, since it is not viral with respect to linking (GPL is viral in this aspect) and GPL for programs or tools. The BSD license allows downstream authors to make changes to the code and keep it to themselves even if they redistribute it. So, the BSD license does not encourage or oblige the developer to contribute bug fixes or new features back even if they distrubute the compiled result. It is up to you which license you feel is best for your purposes in any case. Later, GC -- Gregory Casamento Open Logic Corporation, Principal Consultant ## GNUstep Chief Maintainer yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa (240)274-9630 (Cell), (301)362-9640 (Home)