Hello, We are pleased to announce the release of ForestGOMP 0.1, a libgomp-compatible OpenMP 2.5 run-time support library targeting high-performance computing.
http://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/22409/forestgomp-0.1.tar.gz SHA1: 18cb967cc21ee9effc3e4b3b2ee59ef838247a6a More information is available at: http://runtime.bordeaux.inria.fr/forestgomp/ ForestGOMP builds on the Marcel user-level NxM threading library (http://runtime.bordeaux.inria.fr/marcel/). Marcel's salient points include lightweight thread creation, and topology-aware scheduling over hierarchical architectures ("bubble scheduling"). The run-forest(1) tool's `--scheduler' option offers a simple way to experiment with this feature on OpenMP applications. Marcel 2.90, which is compatible with ForestGOMP 0.1, is available at: http://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/22408/marcel-2.90.tar.gz SHA1: eace75589d26ff4018184da5afffcc2219665456 On behalf of the ForestGOMP team, Ludovic.
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