I am working on Cortex-A9 and M3 of ARM. I am using gcc 4.4.0, uClibc and binutils 2.19.1 and building it for Cortex-m3. While
building for m3 if I specify arch as armv7-m alonmg with cpu
cortex-m3, the build fails.

Using the same set, if I build the toolchain for Cortex-A9
(cpu=cortex-a9 and arch=armv7-a), the Linux kernel ( and
rootfs built with this toolchain works fine. But if I build a loadable
kernel module, when I insmod the module it fails and gives an error as
"undefined relocation: 43" from the Linux kernel.

I changed to gcc 4.3.3 and built a toolchain for cortex-a8 as that was
the nearest one supported, the LKM work fine.

Is there any change in way LKM should be built with gcc 4.4.0?

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


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