On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, Joern Rennecke wrote:

> Quoting "Joseph S. Myers" <jos...@codesourcery.com>:
> > On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, Joern Rennecke wrote:
> > 
> > > What are your thoughts on using gcc extensions for gcc-in-cxx ?
> > 
> > I believe we agreed in a previous discussion to aim for building with the
> > intersection of C++98/C++03 and C++ as supported by GCC 3.4 (including
> > making sure at an appropriate point that it builds with a non-GCC
> > compiler, probably an EDG-based one such as the Intel compiler).  Though
> > bearing in mind that PPL doesn't build with GCC before 4.0, the GCC
> > version required for building with GCC might increase (though I think
> > increasing beyond 4.1 would be a bad idea for some time yet).
> I think we should distinguish here between the language we want to support
> for bootstrapping versus the language we want to be use for builds in general
> to allow convenient type checking, and to support configurations that
> are not essential for bootstrapping, like ones with multiple target
> architectures.

The question is not just one for bootstrapping a native compiler but also 
one of what compiler can be used to build a cross compiler (such as that 
with multiple targets), which is not bootstrapped in the usual GCC sense.  
There we presently document GCC 2.95 or later as required (and again I 
think requiring a version later than 4.1 would be a bad idea).

Joseph S. Myers

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