Would be great if such a thing could be detected at configure time (i.e.
like missing mpfr.h headers are already detected), with some kind of a
gentle error message.
It wouldn't be detected until the target libs are built, since that's the
first time any 32-bit headers are needed.

Patches welcome.

Is this useful ?

Index: install.texi
--- install.texi        (revision 142790)
+++ install.texi        (working copy)
@@ -4070,6 +4070,7 @@
 (amd64-*-* is an alias for x86_64-*-*) on GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and net...@.
 On GNU/Linux the default is a bi-arch compiler which is able to generate
 both 64-bit x86-64 and 32-bit x86 code (via the @option{-m32} switch).
+This requires that both 32 and 64 bit header files are installed on the system.
 <hr />

also, this likely fixes a typo

Index: cvs.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/cvs.html,v
retrieving revision 1.213
diff -c -p -r1.213 cvs.html
*** cvs.html    30 Dec 2007 09:01:19 -0000      1.213
--- cvs.html    17 Dec 2008 12:04:09 -0000
*************** and SSH installed, you can check out the
*** 36,42 ****
   <li>Set CVS_RSH in your environment to <code>ssh</code>.</li>
   <li>Set CVSROOT in your environment to
!      Alternately add
       <code>-d :pserver:c...@gcc.gnu.org:/cvs/gcc</code>
       immediately after <code>cvs</code> in the commands below.</li>
   <li>The command <code>cvs -qz9 checkout -P wwwdocs</code>,
--- 36,42 ----
   <li>Set CVS_RSH in your environment to <code>ssh</code>.</li>
   <li>Set CVSROOT in your environment to
!      Alternatively add
       <code>-d :pserver:c...@gcc.gnu.org:/cvs/gcc</code>
       immediately after <code>cvs</code> in the commands below.</li>
   <li>The command <code>cvs -qz9 checkout -P wwwdocs</code>,

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