Hi folks. Though I would have preferred to work in mainline with the appropriate maintainers (Joseph, et al) approving my patches, there seems to be no way I can limit the invasiveness of my diagnostics work... even though it's technically a regression and/or bug fix. It can't make it to 4.4, without someone getting incredibly pissed off.
So I'm starting a branch, and kindly ask the FE maintainers to keep an eye on my patches to limit the future approval work, curb my enthusiasm, and deter my ability to freely break things. For the time being, I'd like to limit the branch to work providing location information to expressions (PLUS_EXPR, etc) and DECLs. After this is completed, if I've yet not committed RSI suicide, I'd like to move to other points discussed here: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2008-08/msg00183.html http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2008-08/msg00193.html But my main goal is to provide accurate location information for expressions and decls. The caret work I sincerely doubt I'll ever get to. The name of the branch is "diagnostics-branch" and future patches will have "[diagnostics-branch]" in the subject line. Cheers. Aldy