"Kaveh R. GHAZI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Since we're in stage3, I'm raising the issue of the MPFR version we
> require for GCC, just as in last year's stage3 for gcc-4.3:
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2007-12/msg00298.html
> I'd like to increase the "minimum" MPFR version to 2.3.0, (which has been
> released since Aug 2007).  The "recommended" version of MPFR can be bumped
> to the latest which is 2.3.2.

I note that the configure script, and
<http://gcc.gnu.org/install/prerequisites.html>, says

error: Building GCC requires GMP 4.1+ and MPFR 2.3.2+.

not "MPFR 2.3.0+".

I found this gave me significant trouble attempting to build GCC from
SVN sources on the regression tester, <http://glutton.geoffk.org/HEAD/>.

The regression tester is now running CentOS 5.2, basically the same as
RHEL 5.2; this is the latest available CentOS.  On that distribution,
an older version of mpfr is included with the system.  It is provided
as a static library but in the same RPM as gmp, which is a dynamic
library and used by at least gfortran (of course) and php.

There appears to be no Red Hat-based distribution that comes with
2.3.2 or later.  Even Fedora 10, which is not yet released, does not
appear to include it.

I found that simply building MPFR in a non-default location (configure
--prefix && make) and then pointing GCC at it with --with-mpfr, as in
the installation instructions, causes the bootstrap to fail when first
running xgcc, because xgcc can't find the built MPFR dynamic library.

I eventually resolved this by uninstalling php, gfortran, and gmp, and
installing gmp, gmp-devel, and mpfr packages built (by my lovely
assistant) by taking the Fedora (10, I think) packaging and upgrading
the contained upstream sources to the latest versions.

If this is what users (or even developers) of GCC are supposed to be
doing, I'd suggest more documentation on what to do and how to do it.

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