On 10 Jun 2008, at 17:11, FX wrote:

I opted to call the static library "libgfortran_static" and to leave the shared name unchanged.

I'd suggest "-static" instead of using an underscore, to follow libstdc++, but that's a minor point.

A minor point maybe, but, as you say, there seem to be several different schemes in use... a source of confusion for me whilst trying to figure out how to do this.

I was almost going to rename the shared one _s (as per libgcc) :-)

j/k aside is there a convention ?

I don't mind (I prefer '-' to '_' personally; '_static' and '_kext' were used in the 4.0.1 vendor release for darwin8).

Otherwise, wrt your patch: doesn't it create three libraries: libgfortran.dylib, libgfortran.a and libgfortran_static.a? And, what happens now if you do a -static compilation, does it pick libgfortran_static automagically? Shouldn't we make that darwin- specific, in order to not change the situation on the majority of other systems that don't have a problem with the current situation?

Yes, it does make three libs - only a temporary measure to avoid treading on anyone else whilst testing (see below).

The "-static-libgfortran" option causes it to pick up the _static version (patch to gfortranspec.c).

AFAIK there is no point in doing a "-static" link on darwin [crt0 is not present] (unless you're making a kernel extension). However, the proposed change makes no difference to what will happen if you do.

You are right; of course, it should be darwin-specific (and only build the required libs per system) - but I am not familiar enough with the build process to know how best to achieve that... suggestions welcome.


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