Hi Tobi,

Thanks for working on this.

Solution 2 is the right one.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Tobias Grosser
> 1. It is not very efficient. As we have many multiplications in the
> code.
> Will later gcc optimization passes convert these multiplications to
> additions?

Yes, you should not worry about scalar optimizations at all.

> 2. I could not find any documentation about scattering functions, that
> describe this way of using the scattering functions.

I think that the best place to look at this is:
page 4 of http://www.lri.fr/~girbal/publi/ics05_facilitating.ps

also have a look at the other reports from:

Albert probably has some other pointers for reports that describe how
to do loop tiling.

> Another graphite specific problem is, how we connect the real loop
> variables to the cloog variables. Before loop tiling this was easy.
> Loops of the same depth in the cloog output correspond to the loops of
> the same depth in the original gimple loop nest. But know we have to add
> some data structure, that connects the gimple loops, with the cloog
> loops.

This was also the case before: we needed a map between the old
induction variable and the new ones.

Sebastian Pop
AMD - GNU Tools

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