On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joseph S. Myers wrote:
>  >> In that message, you suggest that we need the local changes in order to
>  >> generate a gpl.7 manual page.  But, why do we need such a manual page? 
> What
>  >> would be the adverse consequences of just replacing our gpl.texi with the 
>  >> GPLv3 version?
>  >
>  > The manual page is needed to follow the instructions from the FSF about
>  > how to handle invariant sections in the manual when a subset of the manual
>  > is made into a manpage <http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2001-11/msg00311.html>.
>  How about we just drop the manual pages, then?
>  Right now, we're in the situation where the manual is deceptive.  If the
>  manual talks about GPLv2, a user might rely on that.  We should be
>  making the license unambiguous so that users do not feel deceived.  If
>  we don't have the bandwidth to mess with all the bits required here,
>  then maybe we should just stop providing man pages.  For something as
>  big and complex as GCC, info/HTML/PDF all seem like better media.
IMHO manpages for the driver(s) with option summaries are a good thing to
have and I'd hate to lose them.


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