Alexandre Oliva wrote:
I'm sorry that you feel that way, but I don't understand why you and so many others apply different compliance standards to debug information. Why do you regard compiler output that causes systems to fail because they process incorrect debug information as any more acceptable than compiler output that causes system to fail because they process incorrect instructions?
Incorrect debug output does not cause systems to fail in any reasonable development methodology. It is simply a nuisance. After all you can perfectly well develop an application without a debugger at all if you have to, but you have to have correct code being generated or things are MUCH harder. I am all in favor of getting the debug information as accurate as possible, but I agree with others who feel that this excessive rhetoric is damaging the cause of achieving this. If you don't understand why different compliance standards are applied in the two cases, then there is something major you are missing.
Just so that you, who don't care so much about the correctness of this information yet, can shave off some bytes from your object files? Why shouldn't you use an option such as -gimme-just-what-I-need-no-more or -fsck-up-my-debug-info-I-dont-care-about-standards instead?
I am beginning to think this is a lost cause if you persist in taking this flippant attitude, and fail to understand the basis of the real concerns about what you propose.