Hi, > I know GCC is a wonderful compiler collection. I like it and trust > it.
That sounds dramatic. Never trust a compiler if you want to test it :) > But, I can't find any formal docs about Testing GCC, both unit > testing and integrat testing. I think, as a software, GCC should be > tested and own a test report. GCC owns quite a good testreport. > > Can someone give me some infomation about how the GCC workteam test > it? Lexical analysis, syntactical analysis, RTL generation ... or > testing from other aspects. > I assume you are referring to the testing phase of a project life cycle and that you are aware of all wiki pointers. But then I wonder what is "formal". > Maybe I ask a strange question, maybe it isn't worth thinking:). Maynot be too strange except that probably elementary levels of testing phase (lexical ,syntax) are somehow crossed. Your efforts to create such docs are always welcome. > I'm interested about it. Also I need your help. Thank you! ^_^ > > > > > by KevyLong > -- Regards, Anitha B @S A N K H Y A