>2007/4/10, Diego Novillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Following up on the recent discussion about GIMPLE tuples
(http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2007-03/msg01126.html) ), we have summarized
>our main ideas and implementation proposal in the attached document.
>This should be enough to get the implementation going, but there will be
>many details that still need to be addressed.
>Thoughts/comments on the proposal?
I read your document _http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2007-04/msg00290/tuples.pdf_
(http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2007-04/msg00290/tuples.pdf) with great interest.
This page _http://deputy.cs.berkeley.edu/_ (http://deputy.cs.berkeley.edu/)
has a link to this document _http://hal.cs.berkeley.edu/cil/_
which describes a means to obtain three-address code here
(http://hal.cs.berkeley.edu/cil/ext.html#toc24) .
If you ask nicely they would let you use CIL's code in GCC ;) .