Fu, Chao-Ying wrote:

>   As Mark requested, we propose a merge plan for the fixed-point branch
> as follows.

I think this is a good plan.  Since there have been no negative
comments, let's go with this approach.

I've looked at the big patch you posted, and I think it looks very good
overall.  You will still need approval for the patches at each stage of
the merge, though.  I am hoping the appropriate maintainers will step up
to review each piece.  However, if the process gets stuck, let me know,
and I will step in to help.

Please wait until the PTR_PLUS branch is merged before beginning your
merge.  However, you may of course start preparing your patches, and
posting them for review, if you like.  I just want you to let Andrew go
first in terms of actually checking in the changes.


Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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