> Getting copyright approval is painful enough without putting even more
 > hurdles in a new contributor's way.  Anything we do to make the
 > process of becoming a gcc maintainer even less inviting than it is at
 > the moment is a Bad Thing.
 > Once someone has contributed a decent patch or two, we should consider
 > giving them access if their apparent expertise warrants it.  If they
 > turn out to be a real klutz we can always disable it.

In practice that almost never happens because no one likes playing the
heavy.  How many people were ever "demoted" against their will?  Now
how many do you think actually deserve it?  I'll bet the latter number
is bigger. :-)

 > And we all make mistakes sometimes.
 > Andrew.

True, but attitude is important.  I'm more than willing to promote
people who when a mistake happens act contrite and make an effort to
avoid a repeat.  But some people don't get the message and frequently
repeat their errors.  (You all can name at least a few repeat
offenders, right?)

I like the idea of a go-slow approach so potential contributors can
demonstrate a track record of courtesy, diplomacy and following the
rules.  Notice I didn't say "technical merit" because that can be
learned.  It's easier to teach technical stuff to an eager person than
to teach good manners to a jerk. :-)

Kaveh R. Ghazi                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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